Hello Everyone,It seems just like yesterday that we last got together for Spring Recruits, butat least I think I can promise you that it will never snow in September. Well,it is that time of year again, and we would like to invite each of you to FallRecruits!Lee\'s Summit High SchoolLee\'s Summit, MissouriSeptember 25-27, 2009By The Organization of Strategic Gamers (OSG)www.Recruits-Con.ComDoors open at 4:00 pm on Friday afternoon and open again Saturday/Sunday morningat 8:00 am. If you feel that you need to get in earlier, please let us know wewill gladly put you to work helping us get set up! Admission for everyone isstill $5.00 per person. Hotel information is current on our web page andseveral of the nearby inns are offering some great rates. More information canbe found on our web page.The guys who put on the Flames of War qualifier have been working especiallyhard this year putting together a themed tournament for the 65th anniversary ofOperation Market Garden. We are really looking forward seeing the terrain forthis one, and guys who will be competing are in for a real treat. By the way,preliminary sign-ups for the tournament have passed 70+. Well done.In addition to Flames of War, we will be hosting several Warmachine events aswell. On a side note, Mike Sanderson and Steve Gross have generously passed onour normal DBA tournament until next Spring to show support for theconvention/DBA event scheduled at Fields of Glory in Des Moines, Iowa the sameweekend.As ever, no Recruits cannot be successful without the willingness of gamemasters to share their time and talents at Recruits. If you are planning torun a game and have not yet done so, please use our on-line game masterregistration formhttp://recruits.mtswebsites.com/GMForm.phpor feel free to send us an email at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/MiniatureArmyCampaigns/post?postID=a3ebpDEZNXW1bdHptYVgoZm0pNs83oFokAaLMwARbWO1iML0FTTGVR2iWu9Tl2sWhylpUxppY_RwGaMDIng.If you think you might be interested in running an event please register at yourearliest convenience, it would be great to have a solid line-up by Labor DayWeekend. So please come share your love of the hobby with others by running agame!We have a wonderful list of vendors again this Fall and several new editionsmaking their first trip to Recruits. We were very successful with the FleaMarket area last Spring. Again these tables are available on a first come,first serve basis starting at 8:00 am Saturday morning and running until 11:00am. Tables are free with a $5.00 admission. After that we will turn thesetables into the Silent Auction area where everyone will be welcome to placeitems for sale using the criteria we have used for years. Please say thank youto George Knapp for helping us out with this every year.We are also working to put together classes on a variety of topics. Currently,we are considering some beginner and advanced painting classes, as well as acouple on historical topics to be determined. If you think you might beinterested in presenting a class, please contact us.Our Gallery page has been newly updated with Spring 2009 pictures. If you havepictures you would like to share, we will take them if you have them. So pleasefeel free to send them our way. For more information about any of ouractivities, give us an email or phone call. Please contact Duane or Laura Fleckat http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/MiniatureArmyCampaigns/post?postID=uuocRaEzUvIQH9YwSjHp1fzjAxdBzFY9r0AbFuIJZ9lhnvFvS6HJeeIK_EHAUzVdTgGy16CcBKkqsDZHAnMJ or 816-228-9246.If you are a member of a forum, Yahoo group, etc. please let folks know aboutRecruits and feel free to pass along our email address and web page,http://www.recruits-con.com/ If there is anything that we can help you with, please don\'t hesitate to ask, to call or email.Thank you all for your continued support through the years, and thank you formaking Recruits so much fun! : )Duane and Laura Fleck816-228-9246www.Recruits-Con.ComSeptember 25-27, 2009
Napoleonic Prussian Kuirassiers 1813-14
For years I have managed with using converted Airfix French Cuirassiers as
Prussian Kuirassiers, but I've always hoped that someone would produce
them. I s...
11 hours ago
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