The original trilogy of Wing Commander games tells the story of a generation-spanning galactic war against the cat-like Kilrathi. Ensuing games follow the same characters through other conflicts, ultimately ending shortly after introducing a mysterious new alien threat. A host of spinoff games were also developed, including the multiplayer Armada and the cult-classic Privateer. To fans, the universe is rounded out by a collection of "mass media" tie-ins, including novels, an animated series and a major motion picture. More importantly, Wing Commander was the vanguard of PC gaming for nearly a decade -- setting new standards for both excellence and system requirements with each progressive release.
Napoleonic Prussian Kuirassiers 1813-14
For years I have managed with using converted Airfix French Cuirassiers as
Prussian Kuirassiers, but I've always hoped that someone would produce
them. I s...
1 day ago
1 comment:
I just picked up the
"Wing Commander Official
Authorized Confederation
Handbook". It covers the
movie background and tech.
A great little book!
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