RIP Kirk Douglas, a classic actor passed away at 103, two of my favorite movies were by him the first being "Cast A Giant Shadow (1966)" : An American Army officer is recruited by Jews in Palestine to help them form an army. The surrounding Arab countries are opposed to the creation of the state of Israel. He is made commander of the Israeli forces just before the war begins. The other "The Final Countdown (1980)" It is 1980 and the USS Nimitz puts to sea off of Pearl Harbor for routine exercises. After encountering a strange storm and losing all contact with the US Pacific Fleet, nuclear war with the Soviet Union is assumed and the USS Nimitz arms herself for battle. However, after encountering Japanese Zero scout planes and finding Pearl Harbor filled with pre-World War II battleships, it is realized that the storm the Nimitz went through caused the ship to travel back in time: to December 6th, 1941.
Nugget 369
I collected the latest issue of THE NUGGET from the printer (Macaulay Scott
Printing Company of Welling, Kent) on Saturday, and I posted it out to
15 hours ago
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