HMS Unicorn: The forerunner of the Light Fleet Aircraft Carrier?
In a recent comment to Part 2 of my recent blog posts about the 1942 Light
Fleet Aircraft Carriers, Martin Rapier mentioned the apparent 'luxury'
37 minutes ago
Cool looking minis. How much were those beauties? ;-)
$80.00, Not bad for ten packs of well painted minis......and they are something I would never do myself!
That's about $2.66 a mini? Not bad. I don't charge nearly that much, but still that's a reasonable price for well painted minis.
Reminds me, I've got a bunch of UNSC Heavy Infantry I need to put up on eBay ;-)
GZG charges $3.72 for three figures so I'm happy with the deal.
UNSC Heavy Infantry.......mmmmm, I'll have to look....)
I'll try and post some photos on my blog sometime today ;-)
The photos are up -
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