Div HQ | 1 Commander (in Gaz Jeep, on foot or horse), 1 Signals Staff Car(@Strength 3), 1 AA stand (in truck, or towed or horse drawn) |
Div Recce Coy | 3 single fig recce stands (@Str 1), on foot, horse or M\cycle |
Inf Regt (or Bde)HQ x 3 | RHQ:Comd, 82mmMor, SMG or NKVD (all stands@Strength 3), 45mm or 76mm Regt Gun + limber (@str 2) |
Inf Bn x up to 9 | Comd, 3 Rifle Stands, MMG (all stands@Strength 2 or 3) |
Arty Regt | RHQ comd, up to 3 FOO(@Strength 1-3), 2 76mm Div gun + limber, 122mm Howitzer + limber (all stands@Strength 3-4) |
Arty Regt | RHQ comd, up to 2 FOO(@Strength 1- 3), 1 76mm Div gun + limber, 122mm Howitzer + limber (all stands@Strength 3-4) |
Arty Regt | RHQ comd, up to 2 FOO(@Strength 1- 3), 1 76mm Div gun + limber, 122mm Howitzer + limber (all stands@Strength 3-4) |
MG Bn | 3 MG stands, ATR stand (@Strength 2 or 3) |
Anti- Tank Bn | 3 45mm Guns(@ 2 or 3 crew), 3 Limbers, 1 Anti-tank Rifle (ATR) stand (strength 2 or 3) |
Pioneer Bn | 2 Pioneer Stands (@2-3 figures), 1-2 Wagons with optional Bridging Trailer |
The exigencies of war would mean that very few units would exactly match their Order of Battle. Combat would quickly reduce the strength of the fighting companies down. We typically fight battles with units at 2/3 to 1/2 their authorised combat strength, so the picture above represents the norm rather than an exception. Units in contact with the enemy would also add captured equipment (especially logistic equipment ) to their inventory.
Nice collection there
Yeah Chris has a nice horde....)
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