There were a few junk pieces along with this lot but, this should give me a few options here
Shrewsbury House Secret History
Last Friday, Sue and me went to our local community centre – Shrewsbury
House – to listen to a talk by local historian and modern conflict
1 day ago
So basically the entire Atlantikwall then?
pretty much Tim! The nice part was I got this lot for about the same price I paid for the one new one I
bought a few months back.
What are the 'junk pieces'? :-) Everything there looked to have plenty of potential to try out beach landings in the Pas de Calais - excellent score...
Now that's a good haul. Rather jealous in fact. :)
To Archduke Piccolo. Thank you Your Grace, there are a few pieces that are from toy sets and on rather out of scale model railroad missile launcher (not that they all wont find a use!). It was a very lucky haul.
I am with Pete. Jealous as.
To Pete, yeah like I said it was all luck on this one. I plan to use these along with allot of other fortifications to build the
(inside joke)Dromonian "Margarine Line" To make a very long silly story short my friend Bill and I always played cold war US Vs USSR so and our mutual friend Joe only at that time had WWI and some WWII stuff in his collection so we would war game over his country
essentially war gaming him in effigy, running amok with 80/90s
equipment over 1914 to 40s defenses...all the while really
concentrating on each other and
shooting at Joe as an after thought. Will it worked Joe
bought new equipment lol.
Hey Paul you've had your share of good hauls too....)
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