Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tanker's Tuesday +1 FV 214 Conqueror

Some beasts added to the inventory:

The FV 214 Conqueror, also known as "Tank, Heavy No. 1, 120 mm Gun, Conqueror" was a British heavy tank of the post-war era. It was developed as a response to the Soviet Joseph Stalin IS-3 heavy tanks and carried a larger 120 mm gun compared to the 20-pounder (83.4 mm) gun carried by its peer the Centurion. Its role was to provide long range anti-tank support for Centurion tanks. They were issued at nine for each regiment in Germany; usually grouped in three tank troops.


Tim Gow said...

You have to love the Conqueror. Although that spotty camo hurst my eyes...
What make are the toys?

Don M said...

these are very old ROCO, sorry about the eye pain but that's my new OPFOR cammo, since all my BEE stuff is in US MERDOC....)

Paul said...

With a scheme like that Don, they do not stand a chance!

Not your everyday subject, and thats what makes it great!

Daisy Gowan Ditchburn said...

I agree about the eye's hurting but look at it this way, everyone will miss because no-body will want to aim at those tanks

Don M said...

The beauty of Science fiction is somewhere that camouflage is perfect...actually it was a buddy of mines scheme and as it is futuristic the pant is supposed to have chameleon like qualities and match wherever it is.

Don M said...

Well James ...get ready I have at least a brigade's worth painted like that....get the eye wash ready lol.

Bill said...

Don't laugh too loud guys on the table it works, I know!

Chris Kemp said...

Conqueror factoids:
1. the tank had to be reasonably level to shoot accurately.
2. The commander had 3 dials in his independently rotating turret to show which way he, the main turret and the hull were pointing.
3. Fuel consumption was measured in gallons per mile, not miles per gallon. You are going to need a Roco fuel tanker or to to take those boys any distance, Don :O)

Regards, Chris