Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: GZG 15mm Kra'Vak force
Small Soliders - Fight! Win!: GZG 15mm Kra'Vak force: Merry Christmas. It is been some time since I have posted on here. It has mainly been due to lack of things to do than anything else. Th...
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Tanker's Tuesday: PT 76
The Russian Plavayushchiy Tank or PT-76 is a light, amphibious tank developed in the early 1950s. It is operated by a crew of three personnel. About 12,000 of these floating tanks were produced for domestic and export markets from 1958-1967. About 2,000 vehicles were exported to various countries including Vietnam, Indonesia, North Korea, India, Hungary, Egypt, Afghanistan, Cuba, China and Russia.
It is still in active service for fire-support, reconnaissance and troop transport operations with about 25 countries across the world. The light tank is still in service with several naval infantry units across the world for its excellent manoeuvrability at varying depths of water. China developed the Type 63 amphibious light tank based on the design of PT-76.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Tanker's Tuesday: Lee/Grant
A Lend-Lease stopgap tank
If the Lee/Grant never achieved the fame of the Sherman, this was due to its very roots and the role it played during the war. Born as a replacement for the unsuccessful M2 Medium Tank (1938), which never left the American soil, the M3 was designed and equipped in a rush. When war broke out in Europe in 1939, the USA was far from ready to enter the fray. Its tank design was evolving through a peacetime, post-crisis context, and tactical thinking was inherited from WWI. 400 tanks were available then, mostly light M2 models. The result of the blitzkrieg in France came as a real surprise, and immediately triggered a complete re-thinking of US tank design. Shortly after the battle of Britain was over, war was raging in North Africa. The British industry was not able to deliver enough tanks to defend both the homeland and the empire, and notably its vital crossing points, like the Suez Canal. As the Lend-Lease act was passed, on March, 11, 1941, President Roosevelt famously declared that USA should become the “arsenal of democracy”. And the M3 Lee quickly turned into its most tangible symbol.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
FPPR Sends In It's Gunboats Part 2
15mm WWII Russian BK-1124 Bronekater Armored Riverboat
Just picked two of these also....)
From chloe2001 Ebay
One assembled, based, primed, and base-painted model BK-1124 "Bronekater" Armored Riverboat (in overall Russian Armor Green). Ready to use on the wargaming table or for dioramas.
Five units available, each slightly different.
They are cast resin, with hand-turned brass tube or wire guns and have been mounted on Masonite bases. Each has three working turrets (Two T-34 85mm turrets and a dual MG AA turret.)
These are extremely difficult to cast and I usually only make less than 10 per year. Because of their size and weight, they are also expensive to ship compared to my tank models.
Just picked two of these also....)
From chloe2001 Ebay
One assembled, based, primed, and base-painted model BK-1124 "Bronekater" Armored Riverboat (in overall Russian Armor Green). Ready to use on the wargaming table or for dioramas.
Five units available, each slightly different.
They are cast resin, with hand-turned brass tube or wire guns and have been mounted on Masonite bases. Each has three working turrets (Two T-34 85mm turrets and a dual MG AA turret.)
These are extremely difficult to cast and I usually only make less than 10 per year. Because of their size and weight, they are also expensive to ship compared to my tank models.
FPPR Sends In It's Gunboats Part 1
15mm WWII Russian BK-1125 Bronekater Armored Riverboat
Just picked up two of these.
From chloe2001
One assembled, based, primed, and base-painted model BK-1125 "Bronekater" Armored Riverboat (in overall Russian Armor Green). Ready to use on the wargaming table or for dioramas.
Five units available, each slightly different.
They are cast resin, with hand-turned brass tube or wire guns and have been mounted on Masonite bases. Each has four working turrets (One T-34 76mm turret and 3 MG turrets from the T-38 Amphib tank.)
These are extremely difficult to cast and I usually only make about a dozen per year. Because of their size and weight, they are also expensive to ship compared to my tank models.
Just picked up two of these.
From chloe2001
One assembled, based, primed, and base-painted model BK-1125 "Bronekater" Armored Riverboat (in overall Russian Armor Green). Ready to use on the wargaming table or for dioramas.
Five units available, each slightly different.
They are cast resin, with hand-turned brass tube or wire guns and have been mounted on Masonite bases. Each has four working turrets (One T-34 76mm turret and 3 MG turrets from the T-38 Amphib tank.)
These are extremely difficult to cast and I usually only make about a dozen per year. Because of their size and weight, they are also expensive to ship compared to my tank models.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Tanker's Tuesday "It's Them! Blast 'Em!": Darkest Star Garshaw GMBT/Paghgaw GIFV(UP DATE)
"It's Them! Blast 'Em!": The Latest 15mm Madness: Finished and Based and Re...: As promised, shots of the finished Dread Cheddar Wedges of Death otherwise known as the new 15mm anti-grav AFVs from Darkest Star Games base...
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Dust, Tears & Dice: News from the Scottish Front...... Campaign Game 6...
Dust, Tears & Dice: News from the Scottish Front...... Campaign Game 6...: Tremendous news from the north of Scotland, Highland forces scrapped together an assault column from the remaining garrisons and launched ...
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tanker's Tuesday "It's Them! Blast 'Em!": Darkest Star Garshaw GMBT/Paghgaw GIFV
"It's Them! Blast 'Em!": Various and Sundry On and Off the Workbench!: Here's the first installment of a photo tour of what's been a-cookin' on my workbench and rolling off to the Great Outdoors of o...
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Battle Game of the Month: Flash: New Martian Landing Across the Harbour
Battle Game of the Month: Flash: New Martian Landing Across the Harbour: After last month's Martian victory in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia was rocked by a completely unrelated invasion across the harbour in Halifax...
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Tanker's Tuesday : T-80/T80U/T80UM/T-80UM1/T-80UM2
The development of the T-80 Main Battle Tank started in the Soviet era, with the tank entering service in 1976. The T-80 was the first production tank in the world
Monday, November 30, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Tanker's Tuesday: M1 Abrams
Total : 8800 – 3273 M1 (US Army), 4796 M1A1 (US Army + USMC), 755 m1A1 co-produced in Egypt, 77 M1A2 for the US Army, 315 for Saudi Arabia, 218 for Kuwait.
Wargaming Miscellany : Colonial inspiration!
Colonial inspiration!
I have been fumbling about for some inspiration for my first tabletop battle in some time ... and then I came across some pictures that I had used in a blog entry that I wrote quite some time ago.
As I said to Bob, I think I checked the copy my school library had in the early 70s
more times than I can remember!
Monday, November 23, 2015
Breakthrough Assault: Team Yankee - M1 Abrams Kit Preview
Breakthrough Assault: Team Yankee - M1 Abrams Kit Preview: Hello It feels like Team Yankee is almost upon us, stores are taking pre-orders and some have copies of the rule-book out on display. We&...
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Future War Stories: FWS News Feed: STAR TREK Special Forces Movie?!
Future War Stories: FWS News Feed: STAR TREK Special Forces Movie?!: News broke this week that Paramount President Marc Evans, during an interview with WIRED magazine, said that Paramount is exploring the ...
Saturday, November 21, 2015
One More Gaming Project: HAWKs Run Memorial "The Sword and The Flame Game"
One More Gaming Project: HAWKs Run Memorial "The Sword and The Flame Game": Friday night, and their regular meeting, the HAWKs played a memorial "The Sword and the Flame" game to commemorate the passing...
Wargame News and Terrain: Wargames News and Terrain 500 Followers Give Away!...
Wargame News and Terrain: Wargames News and Terrain 500 Followers Give Away!...: To celebrate the milestone of reaching 500 followers here on Wargame News and Terrain I decided to organize a wargame give a
Friday, November 20, 2015
Morval Earth : The Inch High Club
On these pages you will find information and pictures about those tiny warriors who fight the battles of history, the present day and the future. They do so in a myriad of homes and clubs throughout the world. Their owners and commanders derive a great deal of pleasure from them. Ours is a hobby of research, modelling, painting, collecting, organising and playing. We regard it as a fun social event to be shared though sometimes it is, like many pleasures, enjoyed alone. Our miniature soldiers and armies fight their way through jungles, over mountains and in deserts. They face foes from all over the world, throughout time and from Hollywood!
These pages are dedicated to those who play with little soldiers and all their equipment, their vehicles, their weapons, their aircraft and ships.
The pages reflect the interests of our little group of friends.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wargame News and Terrain: Modiphius Entertainment: Airfix Battles Introducto...
Wargame News and Terrain: Modiphius Entertainment: Airfix Battles Introducto...: Modiphius Entertainment: We are proud to announce a licensing deal with Hornby Hobbies to create an introductory wargame based on the cl...
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