The Allied Southern Territories is officially a confederation of the four southern leagues of Terra Nova. In reality, it is merely a puppet government whose leaders are appointed by the leaders of the Southern Republic. The AST was formed after the Republic overran its neighbors over a century and half ago. The real southern superpower is the Republic.
The AST encompasses the entire antarctic region of the planet. This lush, mountainous region is covered in tropical jungles and swamps. The tropical polar region is separated from the dry Badlands by a ring of arid savannah.
The populace of the AST is highly diverse. Most of the city-states are very liberal societies where individualism is prized. While honor and reputation are important to southerners, they worry little about propriety or scandal. Morality laws are almost unheard of and almost any vice is legal. The various governments are happy to let their citizens carry on in whatever manner they wish so long as they pay their taxes and let the state run smoothly. Unsanctioned political activity is almost universally illegal in the AST. Most acts of political protest carry sentences of corporal or capital punishment.
I got a crap load of these beauties
in the old large scale (1/87th) well over a hundred.
Yeah......I know....)
His Excellency said...
I got a crap load of these beauties
in the old large scale (1/87th) well over a hundred.
That's why your the BEE, lol.
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