Tuesday, April 1, 2008

History of Terra Secundus 2

Histories compiled by Mac Stor Iel Talloc
Chief Historian to His Majesty

Establishing the crown of Islands of Albion:

A Kyle Mk IV (Richard I) and Rachel Mk VII (Queen Lisa)
were the founders of the royal family of Albion. Their children
sharing traits of both parents where the founders of several of the
now prominent noble families.Through marrige these royal off
spring are connected to all other noble families.The founders of
the other noble families were the higher ranked officers of the old
army.These are the first strata of Albion society.

Royal/Nobel Bastards:

The second level of Albion society is occupied by the "other" off
spring of the nobility and royal family.From our early beginnings
procreation was the highest duty of all citizens of our nation, This
was also a duty of the nobility.Their off spring unlike lesser humans
are not only acknowledged but highly placed within our society.
They make up the back bone of military and civil mid to high level
leadership. The Current Chief Of Staff for example is the son of
Richard II and a lesser human mother (Dame Ann). This is only
one of the many examples through out the Albion Hierarchy.
The third level of Albion society is the Vat/Clan, this is only an
honorific standing. It goes back to the original breeding of our
race and the several facilities where it was first done.There are
12 Vat/Clans and the Royal and Noble families are considered
the head of which ever facility named clan their founder was
created in.This in our society is not unlike a sports club affiliation
today.In fact the 12 clans sponsor the various popular Rollerball
and Racing teams in their clan livery.
Associate Greeg:
All people of what ever genetic background have full rights
under the Albion Assembly Rules and Rights. There is however
an unwritten feeling among Greegs that lesser humans have
always been the enemy of the state and indeed our kind. The
one path to full acceptance has been inter marriage with us. In
these cases the off spring are concidered full Greeg in our society
and so are their lesser human parents. The other path to full
acceptance is through working for the good of the state, and
in this there have been many notables that have resin to prominence
through their work in many technical fields.
End Chapter II


  1. Battle History and MTO's Of His
    Majesty's Forces: Part One

    Histories compiled by Mac Stor Iel Talloc
    Chief Historian to His Majesty :

    Battle History and MTO's Of His Majesty's Forces

    The first to twenty-fifth KREEG battalions of the
    old Western Central Republic are the foundation
    of today's greatly expanded Royal Army. These
    battalions are now regiments of two to four battalions
    each and are now named for their first commander
    or notable victory in the case of non-guard regiments.

    The Royal and Queen's Own are the two guard
    regiments within the Royal Army both are of three
    battalions each, there are also Royal Marine, Navy
    and Air Force Honor Guard battalions within the
    Royal Guard. All guard units are highly trained as
    Commando/Special Forces infantrymen and not just
    ceremonial troops.

    The KREEG Navy, was founded
    shortly after the war of
    liberation with a total of
    3 small flotillas of 8 to 12
    ships left over from the old Western Central Republic. This force has grown to 4 battle
    fleets of over 30 ships each,
    and the Submarine and Special
    Service Naval Commands.The Royal Marines of six standard divisions and four Commando battalions
    also fall under the Royal Navy.

    The KREEG Air Force began with integrated air assets of old Western Central Republic's
    KREEG close air arm.
    Over the years this has
    expanded into a complete Air
    Force with long range fighters
    and bombers, maritime bombers,
    space interdiction fighters,
    and various missile and recon

  2. Battle History and MTO's Of His
    Majesty's Forces: Part Two

    Histories compiled by Mac Stor Iel Talloc
    Chief Historian to His Majesty :

    Battle History and MTO's Of His Majesty's Forces

    The 26th to 143rd (with the exception of the 29th, 43rd,
    65th,92nd,105th,123rd and 139th special units covered
    later) are standard infantry battalions formed after the War

    The standard infantry battalion consists of 3 line companies
    and one heavy weapons and one headquarters company.
    The heavy weapons company's assets and some of the
    headquarters are normally tasked out as needed to the line
    companies. The battalion commander normally keeps a
    few of the indirect fire assets at his personal direction and command. This is totally left to the commanders' discretion and style of command and is strongly encouraged by Kreeg High Command doctrine.

    Rife Company:
    One headquarters platoon with Company Commander(CPT), 1SG, Medic
    NBC(SSG),FSO/Air Liaison (1Lt), XO (Sr 1LT), Driver/Orderly(PFC), Driver/Armorer (CPL),
    Driver/NBC Asst (PFC),Driver/Mechanic(PFC)
    Recovery NCO (SGT), Driver/Recovery Asst (PFC),Ambulance Driver/Asst Medic(PVT).

    3 platoons of 4 squads each of six riflemen, one lt MG, one Antitank Missile,one squad leader(2LT) and one (CPL/SGT).(Drivers assigned to APCs by battalion)

    Heavy weapons attachment from battalion: 4 RAM Mortars, 2 heavy Antitank/ Aircraft Missile teams.

    The 29th,92nd,105th,and 139th are all Airborne units
    These units are brigaded with Royal units as a mobile reaction force.

    The 43rd, 65th,and 123rd are all Airborne Ranger units These units are brigaded with the Special Operations Command along with Commando and Air Force SO forces.
