Tuesday, April 1, 2008

History of Terra Secundus 1

By the old earth reckoning the first to arrive on Terra Secundus were culled
from across our old home in about 500 AD these peoples of many races
and tongues were dropped either in mixed or pure groups across the planet
in what scientists of a later age refereed to as the great Alien Experiment.
Many new civilizations and religions fusion's and indeed new languages
arose. The next great arrival was during the years of the "Black Death" on
earth where whole villages disappeared but, not all the disappearances
were due to the sickness. This went on through the centuries as each new
time of crisis happened on old earth new arrivals would blend into the
populations of Terra Secundus. The last known arrival was a Soviet An-24
turboprop airliner that (landed?) in what is now the capital of FPPR in the
earth year 1964.......

.............end of part I............

Life on Terra Secundus

As many scientists later agreed, this planet was an experiment in the for
want of a better term "human condition". For here there was almost no
virile or bacteriological diseases. Indeed those that do exist are far less
debilitating and of far shorter duration then those of old earth, as if the
air and water here were deliberately purified with natural immunizing
agents.As a consequence of this the life span here is slightly longer than
on earth even today, not just for us humans but other earth life forms as
well. For example a life span of 25 years is not uncommon for a dog or
cat, this is ten years longer than their earth born counter parts.Many in
the scientific community believe this was engineered due to the smaller
population base that the aliens were working with. This natural
immunization cut infant mortality even in the early days to almost nothing
with a consequent rise in the population over night. This was all for the
good as the starting base was so small, and over the years as natural
disasters and wars took their toll.

This natural immunization had another unforeseen effect that we saw
in the Eugenics Wars conducted largely on the eastern continent of Europa.
There at the end of a 42 year long war science was perverted and many
mutations were created in the laboratories of the two rival power blocks.
These mutations soon proved to be uncontrollable and many were at
great cost destroyed but, others escaped to different remote areas on the
planet. These mutants now are known to occupy several islands in the
remote south seas and are left alone by mutual consent by the rest of the
planetary governments. This dark page in our history resulted in one of
the first planetary compacts on cloning and genetic manipulation forbidding
it's use in war or for profit. The New Kashmir Covenant has stood for the
last two centuries without any nation breaching it.

..........end part II............

Cultures of Terra Secundus

From the first known arrivals from what was then a Sub Roman Britain
and India, dropped side by side in the Sinpan region. To the last known
in the FPPR two centuries ago, the aliens seemed to delight in putting the
peoples of earth into mixtures that did not occur naturally. On of the most
strange of these was the populating of the Quazuzhang sub continent were
thousands supposedly lost from the Mongol Khans invasion of Japan
were rescued and held in stasis for centuries until African females from
earth could be obtained. The resulting Afro/Mongol/Korean culture was
added to by depositing Zulu's from the earth in E.Y. 1879, making for a
very proud war like people that because of their location turned into one
of Terra Secundus's earliest great sea and land powers. There are far too
many other cultures to list in this over view but, it is obvius to all earth
born that Terra Secundus is indeed unique.

...........end part III..............

Reunification Of Terra Secundus with Earth Humanity.

At the end of the Sol Campaign during the Kra'Vak war, a flotilla of UN
ships were in hot pursuit of a badly damaged Kra'Vak BDN.The pursuers
were shocked to see the damaged BDN suddenly set upon and destroyed
by waves of fighters and from missile and laser fire apparently coming from
satellites in high orbit over an uncharted planet, in a region of space
where no human should have been. The commander of the UN flotilla halted
and opened communications with these unknown fighter and other small
ships in the area. The language was both familiar and yet unintelligible to
all aboard the UN vessels. After several hours and much computer work
it was found that the "new people" spoke a language derived form several
old earth tongues with it's own evolution.After much trail and error it was
learned that scholars among these people had the old earth languages
Latin, Proto-German, Sanskrit, and Greek. Once this was determined
messages were sent via computer to the planet.The UN flotilla's coms
terminals were virtually flooded with messages of welcome and many other
well wishes and many questions. The commander of the flotilla sent a
priority message back to his headquarters requesting instructions and the
immediate dispatching of a diplomatic team


  1. Having touched on the Eugenics
    Wars on Europa the many mutations that were created in the
    laboratories of the two rival
    power blocks. Well all but 3
    main types were eradicated. The
    Cat like bipedal Kazin found
    refuge on the southern most
    islands and across the ice
    flows. The Dog like bipedal
    Vagnar found refuge in highlands and dense jungles of the
    Narfreet peninsula. By far the
    most numerous and technologically advanced and must human like are
    the Kreeg mutants.Think of them
    as somewhat akin to the ogres of ancient myth they are larger than normal humans and twice as strong with very tough hides.They are
    not overly intelligent but they
    are crafty, although somewhat
    slower and less agile their strength more than compensates. These were the only mutants
    allowed to remain in Europa on
    the two large islands of Albion
    off the northern coast. They
    were allowed to remain largely
    due to the fact that it would
    have coast too many lives to
    remove them, and they would
    fight. So an Armistice was
    reached by radio and an exclusion area around the Albion islands
    that is maintained to this day
    was established.

  2. Templar Ground Forces Organization
    The typical Brother Knight, in the public's mind, is a powered armor trooper, and indeed many brethren serve in that capacity. The Order also has a large and growing number of warships and assault transports, fighter squadrons, and combined arms ground forces and special operations teams. In addition to the regular brethren, many soldiers choose to serve short terms as confrere troops.

    4xBanners (May be either Frater, Confrere, or mercenary. Mercenary banners are usually equipped to Confrere standards).
    2xArmored Lances: 9xMBT

    2xPowered Armor Lances: 9xAPC.
    If Frater: 9xPA elements, 3xPowered LAD elements, 6xPA GMS/L elements.

    If Confrere: 5xPA elements, 1xPA LAD element, 3xPA GML/L elements
    Support Lance: 2xMBT (Commander and Executive Officer) 3xADS-V, 4xMortar.

    1xSupport Banner (Most Support Banners are Confrere or mercenary).
    2xArtillery Lances: 9xRAM Howitzers (Med Art), 1xCBS/V

    1xEngineer Lance: 3xCEV, 6xAPC, 6 or 12 Powered Armor Engineer elements
    1xADA Lance: 9xADS-V

    1xAviation Lance: 3xRAH, 6xAH
    Frater/Confrere/Mercenary breakdown: A battle may have any mixture of banners. Banners within a battle are usually homogenous. Independant banners may have any mixture of lances. Only independant lances mix Frater and Confrere vehicles within the same lance.


    Frater Equipment (Destrier Series):
    MBT Size 4, Armor 4R, FGP, Grav, MDC/5 (T), PDS/S, ECM/S, Stealth 1,
    FiCon/S, Extra APSW
    APC Size 4, Armor 4R, FGP, Grav, 2xPA Elements, GMS/H/S, ECM/S, Stealth 1

    Mortar: Size 4, Armor 4R, FGP, Grav, Light Artillery, ECM/S, Stealth 1, 6 rounds (3 built into artillery cost, 3 additional)
    ADS-V: Size 4, Armor 4R, FGP, Grav, ADS/S

    Confrere Equipment (Charger Series)

    MBT Size 3, Armor 3R, FGP, Grav, MDC/4 (T), PDS/E, ECM/S, Stealth 1, FiCon/S
    APC Size 4, Armor 3R, FGP, Grav, 1xPA Element, GMS/H Sup, ECM/S, Stealth 1

    Mortar: Size 3, Armor 3R, FGP, Grav, Light Artillery, ECM/S, Stealth 1, 5 rounds
    ADS-V Size 3, Armor 3R, FGP, Grav, ADS/E

  3. Histories compiled by Mac Stor Iel Talloc
    Chief Historian to His Majesty

    From our beginnings prior to what the lesser humans term
    the "Eugenics Wars" and we call the "Great Summoning",
    our history has always encompassed struggle.

    Our Birth:

    The first Kreeg was "made" in Euro-Dyne Labs 12
    years before the first shots of the Central Euro War.
    The Western Central Republic fielded it's first full
    battalions within 5 years of that. It was the knowledge
    of the WCR fielding of it's last battalions where it
    reached over 300 in total, that the SurYumi Kingdom
    and it's Satellites launched it's attack. This led to 42
    years of war and the devastation of most of Europa.

    Betrayal and Founding:

    The first enhanced designed biological warriors came
    in four standard classes. All were designed for a
    specific military propose and were assingned a class
    name for ease of use.

    Kyle Mk I (Male 6'3" 215 lbs) 5 marks this line*
    (Military Operational Planning/Command Specialist)
    The Kyle was planned to be the standard platoon and
    squad leader model for EDBW platoons and squads.
    Mentally optimized for leadership and tactical planning
    on small scale operations......(The ability to learn soon
    enabled this model to progress far beyond that level.)

    Rachel Mk I (Female 6'1" 120lbs) 8 marks this line*
    ( Espionage Covert Operation/Assassination Specialist)
    The Rachel was designed as both a deep cover operative
    and a tactical scout.The deep cover operative also had
    training as a sexual companion in order to infiltrate the
    enemy's command and political structure. In fact several
    became the mistresses of quite high ranking members of
    the SurYumi Kingdom command and nobility before those
    were assassinated. This Mark was instrumental in our
    future development, as we shall see later.......

    Edward Mk I (Male 6'2" 210lbs) 12 marks this line*
    (Driver/Pilot/Navigator/Computer Opreations) this
    mark was designed and then trained to serve as the
    primary driver for fast military vehicles and as pilots for
    attack aircraft.This mark is notable for it's enhanced
    hand eye coordination and G-stress bodies. They also
    serve as the first officer aboard our warships under the
    overall command of a Kyle Mk. this set up is also
    found in our army mechanized units:detailed below.

    Ester Mk I (Female 6'10' 230lbs) 12 marks this line*
    (Standard Field Medic and Field Technician/Mechanic) this
    model was designed and then trained to serve in various
    military specialties i.e, field and surgical medic, motor pool,
    demolition,engineer, and a host of others requiring some level
    of sophistication that would be well above the abilities of
    the GRUNT yet below that of Kyle or Rachel.This mark was
    also produced in quite high numbers.

    Guther aka "GRUNT" Mk I (Male 7' 8" 312lbs) 21 maks*
    (Standard Field Trooper with mission modifications) this
    EDBW model is what most of the lesser humans think of
    and fear when the word Greeg is mentioned. This mark was
    of course produced in the many thousands. The Guther has
    been in the fore front of every battle fought durring the war
    and is still the back bone of our military. Very steady under
    fire and exceptionally loyal to their commanders.

    Our race was created to sever with single minded loyalty
    to the former government of this land. We were designed to
    be incapable of self reproduction, this was a designed safe
    guard to insure we would not develop into a threat to the
    WCR. The lessor humans forgot about the unique healing
    properties of our planet, as it turned out not only were we
    fertile but very much so. The first bith was between a MkIII
    Ester model and a Mk V Guther at Lindum army barracks
    two years into the war. Mika the Ester MkIII's given name
    gave birth to 3 children in that one pregnancy. It was later
    found that multiple births were the norm for most Esters.
    The WCR command structure had at first no idea how to
    deal with this issue as it was totally unforeseen. So it was
    left to local commander's discretion how to handle it, some
    units allowed marriage others made it illegal others made it
    subject to disciplinary action and even execution.The various
    methods used caused far more harm than one unified
    approach would have due to the loyalty that was engineered
    into our psyche, also unforeseen was the fact of individual
    personalities were developing within us all.The final nail came
    after many battles and numerous sacrifices to our former
    masters. A Kyle Mk IV and a Rachel Mk VII uncovered
    a top secret human WCR command eyes only memo that
    revealed a plan to poison all EDBW food supplies as soon
    as hostilites with the SurYumi were concluded. In the
    memo the WCR Genetic Scientists discovered that they
    may have engineered us too well. They found that we would
    have double the lessor human life span, and with the fact that
    we could out breed standard humans felt we should be
    eliminated. The Rachel Mk VII (Lisa) had just returned from
    a covert operation behind enemy lines and had learned that
    SurYumi had similar plans for their Mutant troops.

    The Liberation:

    The Kyle Mk IV (Richard) located as he was at the WRC
    High Command Headquarters was in position to recruit
    other Kyles and Rachels into his plan to strike back before
    our extinction. In a years time his conspiracy had reached
    every battalion and through the good work of several
    Rachel Mk s in deep cover had also established contacts
    with mutants types under SurYumi command. On the 36th
    year of the war agreement was reached with the Kazin
    and Vagnar to at a signal all would turn there guns on their
    former masters. The war ebbed and flowed until the 37th
    year where a massive WCR offensive drove into the hart
    of SurYumi territory then the signal was sent. Greeg, Kazin.
    and Vagnar units turned there weapons on their human
    commanders and turnned back on their territories and swept
    away all their governments. The Kazin and Vagnar captured
    aircraft and departed to under populated areas of the southern
    hemisphere. The Kreeg were immediately under siege by a
    planet wide collation of lesser humans.After five more years of
    war a treaty was negotiated where the Greeg nation was
    established on the Islands of Albion.

    End Chapter I
