Monday, February 8, 2021

Mecha Monday: Dream Pod 9, Inc. Update


Updated Plastic Sprue Photos added to the DP9 Online Store!

A few customers have asked if the our Northern, Southern, CEF, and Caprice plastic miniature army boxes still used the same black colored plastic from the initial Kickstarter release. This was because the parts photos on the DP9 Online Store still showed the black plastic sprues, which were hard to see the details before the robots were assembled and primed. Since the original release we have restocked the plastic sprues twice, both times using a grey colored plastic, so that the details can be easily seen. We forgot to update the parts photos, until reminded. The DP9 Online Store has now been updated with new parts photos of the grey plastic sprues, which are also attached with this post for everyone to checkout.
You can order a plastic miniature army box or individual plastic miniature on the DP9 Online Store at the following link.

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