Monday, November 9, 2020

GZGs Update



Well, here we are in “Lockdown 2 - The Sequel”, and here’s a VERY long-overdue update on what’s been going on for the last couple of months.
It's mostly been business as usual… orders have been coming in, packets have been going out, and apart from that I really don’t know where the time has disappeared to!

Not a great deal has changed with the new lockdown, and hopefully the only thing you might notice from me is that some orders may take an extra day or two to go out, as I will be trying to reduce my trips to the Post Office to just two or three times a week rather than going every day.

While we’re all missing the Autumn shows, at least not having to prepare for them has meant a bit of extra time to work on new items.
Over recent weeks I have had a LOT of new stuff designed, sculpted/printed and got it all into master-moulds, so I have an absolute shed-load of new product codes to come as soon as I can get the production moulds made for them all - which is what I’m working on right now…

I will be running some Christmas Specials again this year, and the plan at the moment is to start them on the 21st November - all the new releases that I can get into moulds before then will be launched at the same time, so please check the webstore news shortly for more news - I may do a little pre-release teaser or two so you have some idea of what is coming!

Thanks to all of you who have kept ordering during this difficult year, it’s seen me through it so far and I’m very grateful to everyone - stay safe, keep well, and hang in there, it’ll all be over eventually….

Best regards, thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), 9th November 2020.

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