Friday, April 17, 2020

GZGs Phase Two Offer

First off, my apologies for the delay in posting this update, and special thanks to those of you who contacted me to check that everything was OK! All is good here at the moment with both business and family, and I hope the same applies to all of you out there.
The response to the first phase of the Lockdown Special Offer was enormous - thanks to all of you who ordered - and even since it ended two weeks ago, orders have still been coming in at a good steady rate.
There WILL be a Phase Two of the offer, as promised, which will feature the FT Starships ranges - but for various reasons I will not now be starting it until around the beginning of MAY. I have a number of things that I need to catch up on between now and the end of April, and while I will be able to handle a normal amount of orders in that time I don’t want to get overwhelmed and unable to keep with them - and if the reaction to the earlier special on the 15mm ranges was anything to go by, that could easily happen when the FT offer starts!
The postal services appear to still be generally working OK, but in the last week or so I have become aware that some mailings are taking a little longer than normal to arrive; domestic First Class mail is now taking two or even three days in some cases, and even Special Delivery packets are sometimes taking two days rather than the usual next day service. I don’t have a lot of info on how other countries’ postal services are coping, but for airmail packets to the US (for example) I would tend to expect 10-14 days at the moment rather than the usual 5-7 days.
If any of you would like to take a few moments to let me (Jon) know via email when your packets arrive, that would give me some useful feedback on how the various services are performing and what advice to give other customers.
Please check back here now and then for further updates and more news - there may even be some more NEW RELEASES soon…
Thanks again to everyone - keep safe, keep healthy, and keep painting - the day will come when we can all face our friends and opponents across the tabletop battlefield again!
Jon (GZG), Friday 17th April 2020.

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