Tuesday, June 18, 2019

IKWEN By Loud Ninja Games


If you are new to the Ikwen or its been a while, let me introduce you to a race that is fighting for its own freedom and the preservation of its species. Envisioned as a range of miniatures to represent one side of an asymmetric conflict the Ikwen are intended to be pitted against any other species or faction 15mm players might have in their collections. To this end, the miniatures are depicted with mostly mid-tech weaponry, the sort that might be cobbled together or acquired in great numbers from sources outside the conflict much in the same way that we see the AK-47 used in modern day warfare. I have worked hard to make sure the Ikwen show some sort of specific culture in their sculpts, even if that is just the minimal cloths they wear between their legs and the sorts of gear they carry. The Ikwen are a miniatures range, designed to tell a story. 
IKWEN Kickstarter


  1. I don't care who they are - but I will certainly buy them! :D

  2. They are some neat looking and interesting miniatures! I do like the story line here, sort of like low tech Prawns using human weapons they get from various sources.
