Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tanker's Tuesday: Nice to see these again!

From the designer and sculptor of the 15mm Topgun Grav Armor range of vehicles. Haven't been very active of late in selling or promoting them, but would like to change that, since I need a bit of inspiration in getting my own personal vehicles prepped, painted, and on the tabletop for gaming soon, too.
I offer one of the most comprehensive ranges of 15mm / 1/100th scale Grav Armor vehicles in the industry, and will be happy to send you a copy of my catalog which has images of the various vehicles for your perusal, if you'd like that.
You can just e-mail me at:
Topgungrav AT yahoo (d0t) c o m
for a free copy of that.
I'm out of stock of everything right now, but will be placing an order soon to restock these, including parts I need for my personal collection, which I sold off to some to complete their orders a while back.
Here are a few photos of some of our vehicles, including the one bright orange one - the SuperHeavy Grav Tank that inspired the entire range, for your enjoyment (which sadly is still not available for sale yet - I need to change that soon, since I want a bunch of them myself).

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