Monday, December 17, 2018

Mecha Monday : No Quarter

Just Released on Wargame Vault! We are proud to announce another Two Hour Wargames Release! 5150-No-Quarter--Mecha-Combat…/5150-No-Quarter--Mecha-Combat Check it out!

Alexander Williams I've played 5150: No Quarter.

Out of the box, as it were, it's an extremely lightweight stompy-robots mecha game. In structure it's surprisingly like the modern videogame adaption of Battletech, in that mecha move in order from the lightest class of f
ive to the heaviest class of five. Weapon load outs are significantly lighter and there is not a lot in the way of crunch, though putting it together with 5150:Star Army can get you about as much combined arms planet side military action as you can stand.

By default, mecha have either projectile weapons or beam weapons but not both. Unlike most of the other 5150 series, there are construction rules for point building your platforms.

If your vision of the mechs you want to put onto the battlefield are big and stompy, this is a pretty good core to build off of or use unchanged. If you're looking to do something more anime influenced like Gundams, this is probably not going to be enough about movement or crazy weapons. It's a flexible enough platform that you could build off of it for those effects but they don't come out of the box.

I actually wrote a free non-supplement, putting together a lot of the 5150 stuff with a focus on the mecha called The Hungry ( which build out a full mercenary company, which might be of some interest if you want to know what the mecha look like in terms of design and some of what you can do with them. I also put together a bit of design work for playing the game in your choice of digital tabletop along with some notes on designing mecha in No Quarter (

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