Thursday, November 8, 2018

Delta Vector: Subterranean War

Delta Vector: Subterranean War: Watching the Netflix's Ken Burns documentary The Vietnam War piqued my interest in the tunnel systems of Vietnam, and inspired musings ...

I thought this was very well thought out! I've been toying with this idea for a Sci-fi setting of my own involving my transplanted Finns on an Ice world where the bulk of the population would live underground (AKA sort of a Hive world) where there are thermal springs that supply heat and energy (like Iceland). I'm thinking larger caverns connected by tunnels. These where found while mining (the main reason they moved to this rock in the first place, and what makes it valuable enough to fight over.) Thinking there would be a hard fight for the surface but, being badly out gunned and out numbered the defenders would be driven under ground and the fight would continue there. Also an opportunity hit and run raids from underground hitting the occupier on the surface....lots of options!


  1. Not a bad idea. And it gives you an excuse to play with your Finns.

  2. Thought it might give the mineral rich ice world a bit more scope.
