Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Kurt Russell stars as an elite warrior selected at birth for combat, stripped of his individuality and isolated from society. Todd (Russell) stoically adheres to one overriding principle--kill or be killed--until he is defeated in combat by Caine 607 (Jason Scott Lee), the best of the next generation of Soldier.


  1. I've always been a fan of this movie.

  2. Until he is defeated?? Nobody defeats Snake Plissken!

  3. A great little film that translates to the games table very well!
    And as it turned out Skully, he wasn't entirely defeated as Todd either!

  4. I really like this movie.
    Taken from IMBD for this movie. "While listing the weapons on which Todd is trained, you can see he is capable of using the "Illudium PU36 ES,M" otherwise known as the Illudium PU36 Explosive Space Modulator. This is the same weapon Marvin the Martian is always threatening to use on Earth, in his Bugs Bunny cartoon appearances."
