Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Jons' Question On Kra'Vak Ships

From Jon at Ground Zero Games:

With the release of the first of the re-worked Kra’Vak ships, I wanted to ask the FT players on here about your experiences with K’V fleets (under the FB2 rules) over the years….. those of you who have played them, or played against them - what are your experiences about how they work under the current published rules? Are they over-powerful, under-powerful, about right…? Is there anything about them you’d like to see changed or tweaked? Do they give a sufficiently “different” feel to play compared with the Human fleets? Do they need any additional weapons systems?

Feel free to have a frank and open discussion - all comments, criticisms and ideas are welcome!  ;-)

Jon (GZG)


  1. Really like the new designs. I own and read the rules, I have three fleets lying around - and have not played a single game so far! Real life issues, I HATE YOU! :D

  2. It's nice to know you care Skully.....:p

  3. I love the Kra'Vak and believe their ships are while a bit more powerful for the most part balanced with the other factions in fleet book 1
