Monday, September 24, 2018

Mecha Monday: Dream Pod 9 Heavy Gear

The world of Heavy Gear was created long before Heavy Gear Blitz. it's earliest beginnings were as a card game and a combined role-playing and tactical wargame product line. The history of Heavy Gear has included a card game, three versions of the tabletop Role Playing Game (With tactical rules supporting stand-alone play), two hit PC games, dedicated miniatures rules, and an animated TV program. This page is meant to serve as a gateway to the RPG and tactical side of the game as well as including some insights into Heavy Gear's rich history. 

Heavy Gear


  1. Heavy Gear has always tempted me. I don't care about the rules or universe, but some of those mechs are just sweet!

  2. I use them with Stargrunt II myself, never got into the universe ether.

  3. I appreciate the richness of the universe and have quite a few of the sourcebooms in various formats. Wish they would have fleshed out the Landships more with a book. Love their design system so you can figure out the armor equivalent in THE and BY extension armor ratings. Wish they would have stuck with the 1/87 scale as it easily transfers to 15mm or 20mm

  4. I wish they would have stuck with the 1/87th scale as well......
