Friday, August 24, 2018

TRAILER: Unbreakable Spirit (2018) - Starring Bruce Willis (English Trai...

As avid aviation fans, especially of those vintage aircraft, hearing a new World War II movie about air battles is coming out is quite exciting. Unfortunately, we might have to pump our excitement brakes for the movie that’s about to hit theaters on October 26th, 2018.

The Bombing was the working title of the project before its final release as Unbreakable Spirit. | Credit:
Called Unbreakable Spirit, this movie revolves around the attacks on Chongqing during World War II between 1939 and 1943. During that time, the Japanese raided the city almost 300 times making it quite a historical point in history. It was part of Japan’s terror bombing operations during which they dropped more than 11,500 incendiary bombs on residential areas such as schools, hospitals and residential dwellings.


  1. Its like the Great Wall withh Matt Damon, or that other one with John Cusack and Jackie Chan. The Chinese film industry is learning to make big budget blockbusters. So they're clunky and hokey, and certainly based on what the Chinese consider to be the biggest events.

  2. Yeah I had pretty much the same thoughts, culturally China is about where the US was when we were making Ben Hur and Spartacus.
