Wednesday, August 29, 2018

GZG COLOURS, STARSHIPS and other stuff......

COLOURS, STARSHIPS and other stuff......
Sorry I've been very quiet through most of August - I have been working away "behind the scenes" replacing stock after the Summer Sale and generally getting things ready for the Autumn shows, which start with COLOURS at Newbury Racecourse on SATURDAY 15th SEPTEMBER - just a couple of weeks away now! More detail on the show itself next week.

There will be some NEW PRODUCTS ready for the show, and available for mail-order shortly afterwards - some new 15mm of course, but also the first major release of NEW FT STARSHIPS for some time: the first of the RE-DESIGNED KRA'VAK fleet, which are looking wonderful - all-new 3D design work by MMG, but still very much in keeping with the old original K'V ship designs. The old style ships will be retired from the store as the new ones come into production, BUT they will (mostly) remain available to special order for any of you who wish to complete old-style fleets. The new designs, while being greatly improved in terms of detail and fit of parts (and with many more variants!) are still sufficiently close in size and general appearance to the old types that it will be perfectly possible to mix the two in the same force without them looking odd. I think you will all like the new-style ships, I'm certainly very happy with them!

One other note, I am away for a few days from early tomorrow (30th August) till late on Sunday (2nd Sept) - hence any orders placed in the next couple of days will not be dealt with until the start of next week; I will not have access to email while away, so any queries sent will also not be responded to until I'm back.

Thanks for reading, please check again for more news after the weekend!
Jon (GZG), 29th August 2108.

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