Thursday, August 30, 2018

15mm Ultramarines army - lotsa troops, lotsa vehicles!

Army contains 4x 10-man tactical squads, 1x 10-man assault squad (jetpacks), 1x 5-man Terminator squad, 1x 5-man Assault Terminator squad (including Captain in Termie armor), 1x Lieutenant, 1x unfinished 10-man Assault squad, and enough figures, shoulder pads, and bases to make 2x 5-man Devastator squads, plus assorted leaders. Vehicles include 5x Rhinos, 1x Razorback, 1x Vindicator, 1x Whirlwind, 1x Sicaran MBT, 1x Land Raider Crusader, 2x Dreadnoughts, 3x Centurions, 3x Land Speeders.


  1. he used Khurasan Miniatures The End Time.
    15mm Post-Apocalyptic Government Forces as base for conversion

  2. This is incredible... I hate Ultramarines - but I want those! :D

  3. I hear you Skully they are nice, my plan is to have these guys in our (GZGs) universe due to a warp incident and isolated here for the last decade or so and trying to work their to Sol.
    So as there equipment wares out it is replaced with captured stuff and things cobbled together....makes for some interesting possibilities conversion wise.

  4. Yeah... those warp incidents are really useful for this kind of stuff! Hope to see more of them soon. :)

  5. will be my take on this

    Only it will be these guys Vs my Finns (Welcome To Subzero)
