Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Well, it has taken me a couple of days longer than planned, but ALL the new releases from SALUTE and HAMMERHEAD are now up on the store and available to order!
Check out the featured items at the foot of this page, or just go to the relevant pages in the 15mm SG listings as usual.
All of the following are now fully available:
SG15-N45        NSL Colonial Jaeger Command and Comms - 8 figures, 2 each of 4 poses - Officer in Greatcoat with binocs, Officer in Greatcoat advancing with heavy pistol, kneeling comms operator with data pad, kneeling observer with binocs.
SG15-N46         NSL Colonial Jaeger Autocannon teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams)
SG15-N47         NSL Colonial Jaeger RAM Mortar teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams)
SG15-N48         NSL Colonial Jaeger Auto Grenade Launcher teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams)
SG15-N49         NSL Colonial Jaeger Plasma Cannon teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams)
NSL PANZERGRENADIERS: four new packs, three of which REPLACE the original N18, N19 and N20 Heavy Weapons packs; for those of you with existing armies, we will keep the old-style packs listed and in production for a while at least, so that you can complete units with the old weapons if you wish - but do take a look at the new options (from 3D print masters designed by MMG), they are really SO much better!
SG15-N18X         NSL Pzgr Autocannon teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams) - replaces original pack code N18.
SG15-N19X         NSL Pzgr RAM Mortar teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams) - replaces original pack code N19.
SG15-N20X         NSL Pzgr Auto Grenade Launcher teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams) - replaces original pack code N20.
SG15-N21X         NSL Pzgr Plasma Cannon teams with NEW DESIGN weapon hardware (2 weapon teams)
For the OUTRIM COALITION MARINES, a new pack of anti-armour support weapons, plus THREE variants of all-new GRAV BIKES!
SG15-RC09        OutRim Coalition Anti-Armour Support Weapons pack - in hardsuits; 2 poses with anti-vehicle hypervelocity missile systems, 2 poses with heavy railgun sniper rifles  (8 figures)
SG15-RC31        OutRim Coalition Scout Grav Bikes - 2 single-seat bikes with riders
SG15-RC32        OutRim Coalition Two-seat Grav Bikes - 2 extended bikes each with rider and pillion passenger rifleman
SG15-RC33        OutRim Coalition Attack Grav Bikes - 2 single-seat bikes with riders, each bike supplied with options for twin gauss autocannons or twin plasma cannons  
The KRA'VAK get some lovely two-seat bikes, with options of bareheaded or helmeted riders and passengers:
SG15-K27        Kra'Vak TWO-SEAT GRAV BIKES - two extended bikes with riders and passengers (bareheaded)
SG15-K28        Kra'Vak TWO-SEAT GRAV BIKES - two extended bikes with riders and passengers (in HELMETS)
Last but by no means least, a BIG release of many packs of CARGO, STOWAGE and similar stuff - not the most exciting things, but invaluable for many purposes - truck loads, vehicle stowage, basing detail, barricades, scenery in and around spaceports and warehouses.... the list of possibilities is endless!
All from 3D print designs by MMG, while they are all intended for 15mm, many packs are suitable for multi-scale use - anything from 28mm down to 6mm shipping containers!
Available so far, with even MORE to follow.....
V15-ACC40        Assorted pack: 2 each of 4 different drums, kegs etc, 4 each of 2 different gas canisters - items also available in packs ACC43, ACC45, ACC46 and ACC49 (16 pieces)
V15-ACC41        Cargo Cubes - assorted pack of NINE cubic cargo containers in several different types, each approx. 10mm square (1m scale size)
V15-ACC42        Large Hexagonal cargo and storage cases (12 pieces, 3 each of 4 types) - ideal for human or alien races (Kra'Vak, Crusties, Xar etc)
V15-ACC43        Large moulded polymer chemical drums (12 pieces)
V15-ACC44        Small stowage items - jerrycans, ammo drums and boxes, small canisters etc (30 pieces, 6 each of 5 different designs)
V15-ACC45        Gas Canisters/Cylinders (16 pieces, 8 each of 2 types)
V15-ACC46        Steel drums (12 pieces)
V15-ACC47        Cargo Cans (12 pieces, 4 each of 3 types)
V15-ACC48        Stowage boxes, chests and cans (12 pieces, 3 each of 4 types)
V15-ACC49        Kegs/Barrels (12 pieces, 6 each of 2 types)
V15-ACC50        Ribbed Equipment Cases (18 pieces, as 2 each of 9 different sizes)
V15-ACC51        Small/Medium multi-sided cases - assorted Hexagonal and Octagonal drums, cases and containers (20 pieces, 4 each of 5 designs) - ideal for human or alien races (Kra'Vak, Crusties, Xar etc)
V15-ACC52        Ammo and Supply cases (12 pieces, 4 each of 3 types)
Well, that's it for this batch!
There will be even MORE new stuff coming over the next couple of months, so please keep checking back here for the latest news updates.
Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), May 8th 2018.

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