Sunday, February 11, 2018

GZG UPDATE - SUNDAY 11th February 2018:

We will be at HAMMERHEAD on the 3rd March!
For the first time, we will be attending the HAMMERHEAD show at Newark Showground on Saturday March 3rd; we will be in the main building (the George Stephenson Hall).
 Since the demise of Sheffield Triples, I have been very conscious of the fact that we haven't been doing any shows north of London, and this means we have missed out on seeing a whole lot of regular and new customers - so, this year we are venturing North of Watford Gap as far as Newark - and we really hope that we will see many of the old faces that we used to meet at Triples, plus hopefully a lot of new people who may not have had the chance to attend a show where we are trading. All reports say that HAMMERHEAD is a very good show, and well worth getting along to - the only reason we haven't been along before has been clashes with other (non-GZG-related) things - so we really hope to see lots of you there!
 As usual, we will be bringing as much stock as possible of our best sellers, the 15mm ranges (V15, SG15, Moongrunt etc) and the "major" Full Thrust fleets (NAC, NSL, FSE, ESU, Crusties, Merchants, UNSC, Japanese, ScanFed, Phalon and Sa'Vasku) - lack of space both in the van and on the tradestand means that I CANNOT bring stocks of the 25mm ranges, the 6mm, or the other smaller FT fleets.
Should you wish us to bring along a pre-order for you of any of those ranges, that can be arranged, but PLEASE email me (Jon) with as much notice as possible before the date of the show - to leave me enough time to cast them up, any pre-orders should be with me by Sunday 18th Feb at the latest please.
 With the show only three weeks away, I am having to spend a lot of time getting stock levels back up after the Christmas and New Year orders rush - so while I shall still be trying to keep mailorders as up to date as possible, please understand that there may be some minor delays - especially on orders for ranges that I'm not casting up for show stock.
I hope to have a batch of NEW RELEASES to launch at HAMMERHEAD, which will then be available for mailorder as soon as possible after the show - then just a month later it will be time for SALUTE, more details about that later!  There will be more info on the Hammerhead releases very shortly….
Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), Sunday 11th Feb 2018.

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