Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I hope that 2018 is treating you all well so far, and that those of you who have gone down with various seasonal coughs and colds are now recovering..... well, to cheer things up in the bleak middle of January, the promised NEW RELEASES are now ready for sale - with a couple of weeks left before the January Discount Vouchers expire - so if you've been waiting for these before placing your order, here they are!

A FULL RANGE of all the essential packs for the new ESU REGULAR ARMY, as previewed late last year with the introductory SG15-E41 pack (now relisted as a standard 8-figure pack); now with NINE packs, including Command and the various Heavy Weapons teams, PLUS a very useful little 6-wheeled "mule" as a light transport/towing vehicle.
As explained when the E41 pack was launched, these figures are variants of the ESU Naval Infantry range, with new helmets and additional kit giving them a very different look - while the Naval Infantry are the "Marines" of the ESU Space Naval forces, the Regular Army are the grunts who make up the majority of the Eurasian Solar Union ground troops.

SG15-E41        ESU Regular Army Rifle Troops A - 8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses.
SG15-E42        ESU Regular Army Rifle Troops B - 8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses.
SG15-E43        ESU Regular Army SAW Gunners - 8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses.
SG15-E44        ESU Regular Army Special Weapons (Snipers and Portable Missile Launchers) troops - 8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses
SG15-E45        ESU Regular Army Command and Comms pack - 8 figs, 2 each of 4 poses.
SG15-E46        ESU Regular Army Tribarrel Autocannon teams - 2 guns with light wheeled carriages, 4 crew figures (2 per gun), plus bonus sprues of spare ammo cans
SG15-E47        ESU Regular Army Medium Mortar teams - 2 drum-fed mortar tubes with light wheeled carriages, 4 crew figures (2 per mortar), plus bonus sprues of spare ammo cans
SG15-E48        ESU Regular Army Anti-Vehicle Missile System (AVMS) teams - two complete weapon teams, each consisting of launcher (with optional parts to assemble as 2-round or 4-round system) on light wheeled carriage, 2 crew figures and packs of reload missiles
SG15-E51        ESU Electric Mule (6-wheel light vehicle) with Regular Army driver - light transport load carrier used as towing vehicle for Mortar, AVMS and Tribarrel teams (multi-part kit of one vehicle with driver)

To see (and purchase!) all these new codes, scroll down to the foot of the front page of the store and click on the relevant featured items, or simply go to the ESU page of the 15mm Infantry listings.

Jon (GZG), Wednesday 17th January 2018.

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