Sunday, December 31, 2017


The 2018 NEW YEAR VOUCHERS are now all LIVE, please read the notes below on how to redeem them. Please don't forget this this time they are valid for JANUARY ONLY - normally they are valid for Jan and Feb, but I've had to reduce that this time because of several commitments in early March for which I will need time to prepare.

If you have been sent a New Year voucher in your pre-Christmas order, it will have a unique handwritten code on it in the form of TWO UPPERCASE LETTERS followed by a FOUR DIGIT NUMBER; you need to enter the code in exactly that format, with NO spaces - please be careful to distinguise between the letter "O" and a zero "0", and likewise between an uppercase "I" and the digit "1". When you have put all the items you want to order into your basket, go to the "View Basket" step; here you will see a box marked "PROMOTIONAL CODE OR GIFT CARD" - you need to enter your voucher code in that box, and then click the purple button marked "UPDATE BASKET".
If you have done this correctly, you should then see the relevant % discount (10% or 20% depending on your voucher value) shown in RED and deducted from the order subtotal. IF THIS DOES NOT APPEAR, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE OR PAY FOR THE ORDER, but email me ( and I should be able to sort out the problem for you.
If the discount % shows correctly, then simply proceed to complete and pay for the order as normal. Please note that the % discount does NOT apply to the shipping costs (sadly, the products don't get lighter to post when they are discounted!), but it does of course reduce the VAT amount (where applicable) by the relevant %.
Please note that your voucher code may only be used ONCE - and the store will consider it "used" as soon as you proceed to the checkout stage, even if you then leave it as a pending order. Should you encounter any problems during the payment stage, or realise that you've made an error with your order and need to try again, then please email me immediately and I will be able to re-set your code so that you can have another go!
If anyone has not yet received their pre-Christmas order with the voucher enclosed (some didn't ship out till the week just gone, and others may be taking a while to get through overseas postal systems), but wants to place their new order immediately, then I will be able to give you your voucher code via email on request. The same applies if you've received but mislaid your voucher, so don't panic!
For those of you waiting to see some more NEW RELEASES before using your voucher, please give me a few more days to get the latest batch into production - I will be launching a big expansion of the ESU REGULAR ARMY figures that I previewed with pack SG15-E41 just before Christmas, and you will shortly be able to order the full range of these figures including support weapons, Command and all the Heavy Weapons packs! I hope to have these all ready very soon, certainly in plenty of time for you to order them well before the end of January.
Please check the store news page again for some further NEW RELEASE information in a few days, and in the meantime I hope you all have a great New Year Celebration with friends and family.

Thank you for all your support during the year, and wishing everyone a safe, happy and prosperous 2018!
Jon (GZG), Sunday 31st December 2017.

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