Wednesday, November 15, 2017


More News for WARFARE.....
Just a couple of days to go now before we load up the van and head off down to READING for WARFARE at the Rivermead Leisure Centre this coming weekend (18th/19th).... stocks are coming along nicely, we should have all the usual things there PLUS of course some NEW RELEASES for the show: the following codes are all done and ready to go.... there MIGHT also be a couple of other surprise new items IF I get the time to complete them before leaving, so if you're coming along then please look out for all the new stuff on the displays!
SG15-IF24        Islamic Federation Command and Comms pack - in Shemagh (8 figures)                    £3.00 per pack inc VAT (£2.50 ex-VAT)
SG15-E22        ESU Naval Infantry Command and Comms pack in CAMO CAPES (8 figures)                £3.00 per pack inc VAT (£2.50 ex-VAT)

The long-awaited COMMAND PACK for the OUTRIM COALITION, PLUS some all-new POWER ARMOUR for them too:
SG15-RC08        OutRim Coalition Command and Comms pack - in hardsuits (8 figures)                        £3.00 per pack inc VAT (£2.50 ex-VAT)
SG15-RC21        OutRim Coalition Power Armour troops - 6 figures with separate backpacks and arms/weapons; pack contains sufficient parts to make all six figures with standard backpacks and antipersonnel hand weapons, plus extra backpacks (2) with over-shoulder missile racks and extra arms with Plasma SAW (2) and HIMP Railgun (2)                       £4.50 per pack inc VAT (£3.75 ex-VAT)

Two new variant packs for the KRA'VAK:
SG15-K25        Kra'Vak GRAV BIKES - two bikes with riders (in HELMETS) and "flight" bases                £6.00 per pack inc VAT (£5.00 ex-VAT)
SG15-K20        Kra'Vak Command and Comms pack - 8 figures (in HELMETS), 2 each of 4 poses                £3.00 per pack inc VAT (£2.50 ex-VAT)

PLUS the first sample pack of ESU Regular Army - 8 with rifles plus 2 SAW gunners FREE (10 fig pack as an intro offer) - same weapons and uniforms as the Marines of the Naval Infantry, but with a different helmet (which gives them a completely different look) and loaded down with big rucksacks and loads of carried equipment:
SG15-E41        ESU Regular Army Rifles pack A - intro offer with TWO FREE SAW GUNNERS (8 figures + 2 FREE)                £3.00 per pack inc VAT (£2.50 ex-VAT)

And finally for this batch, the first new addition for some while to our ever-popular NAC range:
SG15-A24    NAC "Cataphract" Heavy Power Armour:  6 figures with separate backpacks and arms/weapons; pack contains sufficient parts to make all six figures with standard backpacks and antipersonnel hand weapons, plus extra backpacks (2) with over-shoulder salvo missile racks and extra arms with Rotary Autocannon (2).
Designed to be a much heavier alternative to the A21-A23 packs of "standard" NAC Power Armour, the Cataphract heavy suits have inbuilt forearm-mount weapons on both arms in addition to their hand-carried weapons, and two extra right arms are included which do not have a hand-carried gun so that it is possible to assemble up to two suits in the pack with only their integral forearm weapons.
£4.50 per pack inc VAT (£3.75 ex-VAT)
Once I'm back from the show I will catch up as quickly as possible on the mailorders, then it will be almost time for Christmas.... so watch for more news in a week or so!
Hope to see lots of familiar faces at the show, and maybe some new ones too.....
Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), Wednesday 15th Nov 2017.

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