Tuesday, November 7, 2017


News for WARFARE.....
Hope you all had a good (and safe) Halloween and Bonfire Night! I can't believe it's really November already, and WARFARE (Rivermead Leisure Centre, Reading) is less than two weeks away....
The show is a two-day event, the 18th and 19th November, and those who have been before will know that it is a really good show to come to - lots of traders and very well attended, but as it's an all-weekend one there is still usually a bit of time for me to actually chat to customers, which is always nice.
It is also our LAST show of the year, so your last chance to see and buy items from us in person until SALUTE next year!
As usual, please remember that due to tradestand space and payload capacity in the van, we ONLY bring the 15mm ranges and the most popular fleets of FT Starships to the show - we simply don't have room for anything else - so if you want any items from our other ranges (25mm, 6mm, 2mm and the other FT Fleets), then you need to PRE-ORDER them so that I can have them cast and ready for you; PLEASE get any pre-order lists to me by this coming Sunday (12th) at the latest, anything arriving after that date cannot be guaranteed to be ready for the show.
Please check back to the store front page again over the next few days, as I will be posting more info on the show and (hopefully) details of the NEW RELEASES that will be launched there.
Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), Tuesday 7th Oct 2017.

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