Sunday, October 29, 2017


All the SELWG new releases now on the store!
The SELWG show went off very well last weekend, a pleasant day chatting to customers old and new and selling plenty of stuff - now the six packs of NEW RELEASES launched at the show (as listed in the last update - Islamic Fed and ESU Command packs, Grav Bikes and Hunting Beasts for the Kra'Vak, the Alien Mercs HMG teams and the Civilian Power Work Suits) are ON THE STORE and ready for you to buy! Scroll to the bottom of the store front page and you'll see them all listed in the featured new items, or just check the relevant pages of the Stargrunt 15mm figures listings.

More news soon, as WARFARE at Reading - our final show of the year - is now fast approaching!

Thanks for reading,
Jon (GZG), Sunday 29th Oct 2017.

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