Saturday, September 3, 2016

Sci-fi Conversions By Dan : Reinforcements By Don (2)

Some more of my reinforcements for
Above we have the support Mech code named
Mayhem, with two heavy Mini-guns
and Rockets.
Very Heavy Support Mech  code named Overkill,
this is where they put the guns off of decommissioned
A 10 Warthogs! Also armed with Rocket and Guided
Missile pods. (When you  absolutely must get that
squad hiding behind the school) It is a MERC unit so
the moral compass is not always fully functional...

Nice group shot of two of the "Four Horsemen"
as the support squad is known.....


  1. Nice work are those CAV Mechs?

  2. Yes, the ones I got from Dan were also (at least the big one). These are their second run and aren't made of metal, they're made from some kind of rubbery plastic that I wasn't too sure of at first. They ended up holding paint well and I'm rather pleased with how they turned out.

  3. A rubbery plastic ? Yeah that would have put me off also. Glad it worked out for you.
    So the four little mechs from Dan my be by a different manufacture? Can't say I've
    ever run into those before, what are they made of?

  4. LOL yeah they fought me going together ! But it was worth the effort. Yeah those little ones seem to be made of model plastic, they are quite nice, I'll have to ask Dan...)
