Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tanker's Tuesday: Alvis Scorpion FV-101




In 1966, the Army devised a new specification for a Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) or CVR(T). In 1967, after plans were submitted by the manufacturers, Alvis was chosen to produce a 30 vehicle prototypes preserie. The latter were called P1 to P17 and delivered on schedule and budget, these were sent to be tested at home, and then aborad, in the most severe conditions, in Norway, Canada but also Abu Dhabi and Australia. After corrections by the manufacturers, the Scoprion was accepted for service in may 1970 and ordered to 275, then 313 units to Alvis Vehicles Ltd at Coventry. The first rolled of the line in early 1972. Only 1500 would equipped the British army, while around 1500 more were built for the export market and were (or are still) in service with twenty-one more countries.


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