Thursday, December 17, 2015

FPPR Sends In It's Gunboats Part 1

15mm WWII Russian BK-1125 Bronekater Armored Riverboat

Just  picked up two of these.

From chloe2001
One assembled, based, primed, and base-painted model BK-1125 "Bronekater" Armored Riverboat (in overall Russian Armor Green). Ready to use on the wargaming table or for dioramas.
Five units available, each slightly different.
They are cast resin, with hand-turned brass tube or wire guns and have been mounted on Masonite bases. Each has four working turrets (One T-34 76mm turret and 3 MG turrets from the T-38 Amphib tank.)
These are extremely difficult to cast and I usually only make about a dozen per year. Because of their size and weight, they are also expensive to ship compared to my tank models.

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