Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What's An Evil Empire Without A Brass Band?

I saw this on Ebay and just had to have one! In gaming
terms it has absolutely no value but, I've never let that
stop me before. I'll probably do a head swap on these
before I'm done.


  1. Q. What's An Evil Empire Without A Brass Band?
    A. An embarrassment, that's what. Nobody would take it seriously, not even those do-gooder types who just want to run us evil overlords down.

  2. Excellent purchase, Don. I trust they will be attired in suitably lurid red, gold and black uniforms?

    Best wishes for 2015,


  3. You've got that spot on Michael!

  4. Thank you Chris, was leaning towards black with an 1805 Austrian helmet.

    All the best to you and yours
    this coming year.

  5. Many of my wargame armies have musicians. Even if it's just a couple pipers and a drummer. A band provides a morale bonus to troops who have heard their music and it lasts for about a day. It can also rally routed troops.
    Mike Bunkermeister Creek

  6. You kidding? In wargame terms, a band is necessary! It gives a +1 minimum to morale to all units within earshot, depending on your ground scale, and gives +1 minimum when serving as litter bearers! Remember Kelly's Heroes? The regimental or division band is a manpower pool when needed!
