Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday: T34/85 Regiment


  1. Definitely a unit out looking for trouble. That camo scheme certainly works - it hurts my eyes!

  2. LOL well as I always put it Russians are best served cold....)

  3. That is quite a handy looking outfit. For which rule set is this formation designed? It looks a bit like Command Decision, but the unit has some useful looking support inventory, which I don't recall from CD.

    I like the camo: very effective. I have a feeing that its style is like that of good poetry: looks easy and effortless, but takes a whole deal of care to achieve the effect you want. Fine looking livery, at any rate.

  4. Thanks Piccio, The unit design came from a idea from the late 70s called series 78 where the entire unit was sold in either 1/72nd scale or ROCO 1/87th scale.
    Basically each unit had ten tanks,
    in 3 tank companies with one battalion commander tank, with
    3 APCs, and various support elements. Infantry units reverse
    the tanks to APCs ratio. I use this for NQM and Megablitz rules.
    As for the paint job it was a basic Russian green where I use a very beat up brush to apply the white wash with the hope of making it look like the crews did it themselves with brooms etc.

  5. I love the limber made from an old Caterpillar tractor, Don. Living proof that if you throw enough paint at a target, some of it will stick. Well done, that man!

    Regards, Chris

  6. Thanks Chris, that old model rail road tractor finally had a use...)
