Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday:Type 2 Ka-Mi

Here are a few (all) of my 15mm scale Type 2 Ka-Mi WWII Japanese
amphibious tanks, in both  NQM, and Megablitz terms probably twice
the actual production run...but, I got a good deal on them....)


  1. Apparently there were 184 built - which in Megablitz terms is about 4. So )in 1/285 scale) I have them all!

  2. So in Megablitz terms I'm 4 times over the number produced....sad really, lol

  3. Don M
    Sad indeed. If you were a 'proper' wargamer you'd have at least 10x the real production....

  4. I'd blame the wife but she is remarkably tolerant of my
    foibles, so it's just me....)

  5. No no a real wargamer only has one of the actual models and has to use other model tanks to substitute for the other three.

  6. That's 6 NQM models Don, but fear not ... convoy the excess down a strait somewhere by sea and they will make an excellent coral reef :O)

    Regards, Chris

  7. Chris I believe that was done in the Solomon Islands by US air power...)
