Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday:Type 2 Ka-Mi

Here are a few (all) of my 15mm scale Type 2 Ka-Mi WWII Japanese
amphibious tanks, in both  NQM, and Megablitz terms probably twice
the actual production run...but, I got a good deal on them....)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Cold War Memories

These posters were everywhere around my battalion(s) .....)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Classic Camouflage 'Dazzles' in London

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of World War I, German artist Tobias Rehberger was commissioned by the British Navy to resurrect the WWI-era form of ship cloaking known as 'dazzle camouflage.' Using visually disorienting patterns and colors, 'dazzle ships' were believed to be better protected from attacks by German U-Boats during the Great War.

Tanker's Tuesday:Klemm Light Tank (Heavy Gear)

The Klemm Light Tank Custom Two Pack includes two Klemm Light Tank models and 1 set of customization parts to make several common variants (Bandit Hunter Klemm, Tyburr, Jaxon or Stormhammer). All components of this upgraded kit are cast in resin and metal. 20mm tall by 41mm long 1/144 scale.

The ones that I own are the first run 1/87th scale, I have 16 of them so plan to do some
conversion work for other variants.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday : US T92 Airborne Tank

Got this idea from Mike at Bunker Talk  Already found two ROSKOF artillery tracks to convert.....more to follow.

Saturday, July 5, 2014