Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday: Mishaps

Most of these I can tell what happened and why, a few of them have me stumped!


  1. Some classic goofs in there Don.

    BMP-2 vs T72 is a real yipes!

    I wonder what the horse thought in the background?

  2. I showed this post to my father-in-law (an ex-RE tanker) who was particularly entertained by the Merkava. That must have created a lot of form-filling!

  3. Yeah they are Paul, a few of the shots of M1s happened here on FT Hood (I recognized the tank trails). The T72 over the BMP
    is interesting but, the Chinese
    Type59 upside down has me wondering!

  4. Hi Don,
    Tankers Tuesday is one of my favorite features on your blog. I look forward to it every week.

    Ah, the days at Ft. Hood. My Btry sank an M109 in the creek on the way to the washpoint while training for Desert Storm. I'll see if I can't dig up a photo (I took a ton even while laughing my ads off) to add to your collection.

    Guiscard aka Will

  5. my next one will cover us Gunbunnys,
    I've been in a few.....)

  6. LOL I was there for that fourth photo!
