Monday, March 3, 2014

Tanker's Tuesday: Super Tank Ideas


  1. I've always regarded the Tsar Tank as a thing of beauty. A much-maligned device! When are you scratchbuilding one?

  2. If I build one in 54 mm I'll send it to you...)

  3. Ah, the KV-VI! This tank highlights one of the downsides of the internet - its great for information, always provided the original infoprmation is in fact correct. If not, then it gets repeated from one website to another :)

    I mention this because it seems this tank is a myth. There's a debunking article here -

    I did a Google search for this and can't find any website mentioning this beast that actually has any reference to a non internet source of evidence for it.

    Still, would look impressive in 54mm :)

  4. Well Red, like I said it is only an Idea...Oh and I have seen a model of this beast in 1/32nd scale!

  5. Red on reading your link...that's the model...too funny, oh well I still want one!
