Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fortification Grab Bag From Ebay Update

As is often the case with me I like to start work on the item that
didn't have all it's parts.The other two gun emplacements were
more or less complete and will be done up more or less stock, this
one had a few major items missing,and I couldn't resist tinkering.

 I made the gun from an old 88mm from deep in the bits box, the gun shield was from a metal naval gun, the bunker is a plastic piece that I have a bunch of and use as sort of a national styled fortification  to tie various manufacturers items together.


  1. Not a bad remake of a classic kit,
    nice save!

  2. As I see from the tag line,a nice addition to my national defenses.

    Nice job on the kit bash!

  3. Thanks Bill, always wanted one of these and then lucked out and got three for a steal!

  4. You noticed that huh Joe? Yeah wanted to make it not so easy to
    over run your boarders...thanks!

  5. Very nice too. All that foliage will provide excellent hand-holds for the enemy commandos climbing u to lob grenades into the bunker....

  6. Haven't added the wire yet
