Tanker's Tuesday:Medium Mk III tank

In 1926, the British War Office wanted to replace their existing Mark II tanks with a new design. In May the Royal Tank Corps Centre was asked for its opinion, which it submitted in July. One of the requirements was a weight limit of 15.5 tons, which led to the nickname "16-tonners". Other specifications included that it could transported by rail; a sufficient supply of lubrication oil to match the range of the tank (dictated by the fuel carried); a wireless set; a gun capable of defeating enemy armour at a range of at least a thousand yards; fuel tanks external to the main compartments and bottom armour sufficient to withstand heavy machine-gun fire when exposed while climbing a crest. Furthermore the machine should be as silent as possible, as with previous types the engine noise tended to incapacitate the crew.


American Armored Fighting Vehicles 1920-1950 (What If)

In 1920, the US Army deployed a trio of three tanks, the M1 Halleck Medium, the M2 Sheridan Light, and the M3 McClellan, which replaced it's stable of Great-War era tanks; these tanks served through the 1920s, with various upgrades, mostly in upgrading the engines, so they could travel faster. In the late 1920s, the US Army had plans to replace all three tanks with a new series of vehicles, the T4 Light, T5 Medium and the T6 Heavy. Unfortunately, at that time, the world economy crashed, creating the Great Depression. Feeling the penny pinch, Congress refused to fund the replacement programs, and in desperation, the US Army finally turned to a man it had previously ignored; Walter J. Christie.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fortification Grab Bag From Ebay Update

As is often the case with me I like to start work on the item that
didn't have all it's parts.The other two gun emplacements were
more or less complete and will be done up more or less stock, this
one had a few major items missing,and I couldn't resist tinkering.

 I made the gun from an old 88mm from deep in the bits box, the gun shield was from a metal naval gun, the bunker is a plastic piece that I have a bunch of and use as sort of a national styled fortification  to tie various manufacturers items together.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fortification Grab Bag From Ebay

I got a great deal on these old Airfix Coastal Forts in various states of repair:

There were a few junk pieces along with this lot but, this should give me a few options here

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Latest ROCO Haul

Some unusual ROCO items: German Military Police lot, came in today
from Malaya!

Shady International Arms Deal

That well known International Arms Dealer Tim at
Modern Warfare: Wargaming the 21st century had
a pair of 1/87 T-64Bs by Arsenal M to off load, as this
is one of the few types of cold war Soviet tanks that
I did not possess I snatched them up.

During subsequent conversations I noted upon  the
uniqueness of our hobby, here the item was produced
in Germany sold in Australia then shipped to Central

And Tim....see I'm not the only shady arms dealer
on the planet...)


Tanker's Tuesday: T64

T-64 was accepted on arms in December, 1966. It has become the first tank of the second generation, for the first time in USSR by an equipped automaton loading of a gun. The crew T-64 was reduced up to a commander, shooter and mechanics - driver in branch of management in a forward part of tank welded from armored sheets. The loading automaton (hydromechanical with constants by an angle) was in a special cabin, docked to a tower. In it the conveyor 30 shots separate in any gang are stacked. Remaining 10 - in branch of managements and in battle. 115-mm the D-68 gun, stabilized in two planes, is coupled with 7,62-mm by a machine gun PKT and makes up to 10 shots one minute. The AD machine gun was not. For management of a light was the optical sight - range finder, day time and night sights. Drive - two-stroke 5-cyl. turbo diesel engine 5TD (later - 5TDF) power 700 h.p. with driven pistons. The propellant budget in main tanks (815 l) ensured distance of a course 550 - 650 km. The suspension - individual torsion with hydraulic shock-absorbers on 1 -, 2- and 6-m knots. Tracks were with internal amortization, cónåkcöa - with rubber metal hinge. T-64 have equipped with a guard automatically joining scale - gauge, fire-prevention equipment of a triple operation, equipment for movement under water etc. Since a 1969 of steel to issue improved T-64A from 125-mm smooth b. gun 2A46-1, AD complex new sight.Ammo up to 37 shots have decreased, a mass a little has increased, and the velocity has decreased to 60.5 km.
In a 1976 T-64B equipped with a complex of controlled arms "COBRA" has appeared. It is produced from a trunk of a gun a rocket shell with uncovered in flight wings. A system of its induction - radio command, distance of shooting up to 4000 m. T-64B has received a laser sight range finder and new night sight, the battle(dashing) mass has increased up to 39 tons. The tanks T-64BV are equipped with a system of dynamic guard (POSES). Production T-64 was stopped in a 1987, but the upgraded machines remain in build.