Friday, October 18, 2013

An End To The “Cold War” at the Wargames Holiday Centre.

This was put on at the Wargames Holiday Centre.

My Good Generals, here is the write up from our recent
Cold War game staged here at the WHC by the chaps from
the Reigate club. I have included as many photos as was
deemed sensible, as I took over 100, so when you take a
look through just hover your cursor over the photo to see
the note for the picture.

Outstanding eye candy, take a look!


  1. I can almost smell the diesel, wet
    canvas, and cordite...)

  2. Would loved to have played that one!
    Looking over the equipment I see he was using S tanks as Jadopanzer
    Kanones. The rest of the stuff was about right for late 70s, a little before we were in but not by much.

  3. Whoo Hoo!

    This rocks! Cheers for the link Don.

    A real eye candy fest

  4. Figured a fellow tread-head would like it Paul....)

  5. Yeah Bill that's about the right time line there, would loved to have played that one.

  6. Looked it over again,interesting background:The WHC game was set in the early 1980’s and in a fictional Poland that is divided between the western and eastern power blocs.
    The forces pitted against each other were a mixed NATO force consisting of British, German and French armoured brigades, making an improvised NATO armoured division. This was supported by a “Free Polish” armoured division equipped with American armour and some up gunned British supplied Centurions. A British Air Mobile Brigade completed the western forces.
