Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sad News Of A Great Wargamer's Passing

Just received the following from another group I belong to

Dear Members,
I received this today From Pat Condrey....

Good evening Pat,
I am sorry to be the bearer of sad news but I have just heard that Don Featherstone passed away. I saw him a few weeks ago for one of his military dining club dinners and he was in good spirits but very frail. Unfortunately he had a fall and was discovered collapsed by a neighbor. He was taken into Southampton hospital and had been there a while but his general conditioned deteriorated. I have no other details only that he died yesterday. As I said I am so sorry to have to give you this news but thought you'd like to know.
I will also tell Duke Seifried and Bob Giglio as I have their email addresses but I would be grateful if you could let others among his many friends in the US know of his passing. He will be sorely missed.


  1. A very sad day, he was one of the greats.

  2. I'm very sad to hear this, I have several of his books and always
    enjoyed them. RIP
