Thursday, July 11, 2013

Farewell, You'll Be Missed!

It is with great sadness that I learned that due to physical 
disability Peter Shulman's War Is Over, the page will stay 
up for one more year, and if  anyone is interested he is 
selling off his vast collection.


  1. Sad News.
    He has one massive collection!!!

  2. He has inspired many over the years!

  3. This one really sucks. Yep he will be missed.

  4. Oh that is bad news, he's legendary,
    and will be a great loss!

  5. wow, that's too bad! but at least you can view his site through the way back machine after he takes it down.

  6. He came up in conversation last weekend. If only I was near enough to bag some of his surplus toys!

  7. Maj. Guiscard, Indeed it does...and he will!

  8. Bill he is one of the greats, and I'm doing my level best to recreate his collection in 1/87th to 1/100th scale!
    I'm getting close and I'm even using the gray army Vs green army motif
    (hence my ever popular gray spotted
    tanks etc going up against my US MERDOC
    forces). The one exception being in my world view the Brits are my allies and not part of the gray army...)

  9. Joe, your right for pointing out the way back machine!

  10. Tim I trust that he will be the subject of conversation within our community for years to come!

  11. LOL I bet you are already there!

  12. I"m not quite there yet Bill but,then
    Peter has had a few more decades to build up but,I'm closing....)

  13. I have no doubt that your closing in on the number Don!

  14. Tim Gow said...

    He came up in conversation last weekend. If only I was near enough to bag some of his surplus toys!

    I'm of the same opinion as Don he's going to be talked about for years.

    On the toy front you can email him.

  15. Don M said...

    Joe, your right for pointing out the way back machine!

    It's a useful tool, now just remembering the damned urls, lol.

  16. He has resumed his war and has a Facebook page with recent updates.
    Mike Bunkermeister Creek
