Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Bridge "Pretty" Far

Got this in from the Royal Engineers by way of
Forbodia courtesy of King Boris III (also known
for security reasons we're sure, by the rather
innocuous name of Tim Gow) The Forbodian
army had this splendid piece of British technology
sitting in a store house since the last war unused
largely since there are no major rivers in Forbodia.
The Brazos Evil Empire on the other hand is of
course named for the major river that bisects it.
This gift from the Forbodian government is quite
warmly accepted by our government and we look
forward to seeing the other side of the Empire very
soon! As shown in the photos our engineers of busily
training on the tarmac behind their barracks in
preparation of setting up the bridge on the river for
the first Imperial picnic on the east bank in many
years. In conclusion we would like to express our
hart felt gratitude to his Royal Highness King Boris III,
and to the Forbodian Royal Engineers to include the
two highly trained professional technicians sent along
to train our Engineers, who once sober were extremely
helpful in the success of this operation.


  1. Glad to hear it arrived safely Don! Aside from the Forbodian connection the Bailey Bridge is of course a marvel of British engineering. It's inventor, Donald Bailey was educated in Rotherham and Sheffield (both within 15 miles of me). The Tarmacadam in your photos is of course the invention of Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam.

  2. It got here quite fast too! Already thinking of game uses for it, my thanks!

  3. Are those Strykers in the pics?

  4. I had one of those way back when.

  5. Yeah those are the 105mm gun armed

  6. Bill I think everyone who built anything from Airfix had one...)
