Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tanker's Tuesday:M60A2 Patton "Starship" MBT


  1. Ah, the brave new world of the early 1970s... I always rather liked the 'A2 despite (or more likely because of) it's shortcomings. My 6mm US forces have always included some. What the hell colour was the tank in the film? It looked brown to me but that's possibly a layer of dust. I wish there was a 6mm MBT-70 available.....

  2. Bill worked on these and told me that the only good thing about them was that every crew member had his own hatch! I've got ten of the ROCO version of these beasts, they never last long in a toe to toe with T72s!

  3. Don, I'll dig out my 1/300 scale 'A2s for a photo call if you do the same with your Roco versions...

  4. I'll see if I can locate those puppies...)

  5. Oh yeah, that whole gun-launcher idea back then was technology not ready for prime time! Did like the hatch idea though!
