Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tanker's Tuesday!

Thought it was past time to inaugurate my very own subject of the day, therefore without further adieu I present:Tanker's Tuesday! There is so much in my collection to choose from here but
being a bit of a traditionalist I thought it best to start at the beginning. Here are a few of my WWI French tanks, a St Chamond and a pair of Renault FT 17s. These are 15mm Miniature Figures Limited that I've had for years.


  1. Modern armour. About time too!

    C'est magnifique!

    Regards, Chris

  2. nothing quite like state of the art is there? lol

  3. That takes me back! I used to game with a chap in Perth (the real one) who had loads of Minifigs 15mm WW1 stuff. I think that at the time (early '80s) it was probably the only range in that scale and period.
