Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Twenty Answers"...My Take

My two cents....before taxes...)


1. Favourite Wargaming period and why? 
What day is it? Here would be a good time to admit that I am
a game/period-oholic, I like so many types and time periods in
gaming but to sum up, 15mm anything post 1860, 25/28mm
anything up to 1860, exceptions...yes there are always
exceptions...starships,sail, 6mm armor....etc etc....

 2. Next period, money no object? 
Building a 20mm armored force at the moment....no reason
really just looked cool and I went with it...)

 3. Favourite 5 films? 
Megaforce(a guilty pleasure) Aliens,
Battle Of The Bulge,Saving Private Ryan,
and A Bridge Too Far

 4. Favourite 5 TV series? 
Star Trek (TOS), Doctor Who, Stargate, The Rat Patrol,
Anything on the Military Channel!

5. Favourite book and author?  
Way too many here but if I have to pick:
BERSERKER by Fred Saberhagen

 6. Greatest General? 
Patton because he believed he was most of the better ones...)

 7. Favourite Wargames rules? 
Stargrunt...it can be modified to do anything...)
Comitatus...great set of Dark age rules.
WRG Renaissance...if I ever get back to
my pike and shot troops gathering dust!

 8. Favourite Sport and team?
Never cared......

9. If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go? 
10,000 BC Turkey would like to see just how old human civilization truly is.

10. Last meal on Death Row? 
They'll never catch me...)

 11. Fantasy relationship and why?
I think they are all fantasies at first but sadly we often wake up.

 12. If your life were a movie, who would play you?
Sean Connery ....I've always wanted to be taller...)

    13. Favourite Comic Superhero?
Sgt Rock...was a DC comic I grew up on.

   14. Favourite Military quote? 
"There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today"
Also probably the best understatement of the last century,
my thanks Admiral of the Fleet David Richard Beatty!

 15. Historical destination to visit? 

 16. Biggest Wargaming regret?
the second wife...)

  17. Favourite Fantasy job? 
Own a wargames shop!

 18. Favourite Song Top 5? 
Jethro Tull: Mountain Men, Broadsword,Hunting Girl.
Nickelback: Hero. Staind:Outside.

19. Favourite Wargaming Moment?
When I designed a boarding action in 15mm for a Star Fleet Battles
scale space game...and the look of shock on the players as it was presented ...lol

20.The miserable Git question what upsets you?
The Napoleonic gamer obsessed by facing colors and piping etc...)


  1. 19. Favourite Wargaming Moment?
    When I designed a boarding action in 15mm for a Star Fleet Battles
    scale space game...and the look of shock on the players as it was presented ...lol

    That was one of your better moments!

  2. Great answers especially 6 as it's the same as mine and 16 which is very honest.......

  3. Some excellent answers! I'd forgotten about Sgt Rock, they were excellent comics! Wife No2 made me chuckle!!!

  4. 11 and 16 really make this post!

  5. Bill thanks....as I recall the look on your face was priceless!

  6. Angry Lurker it's easy to be honest
    in retrospect ...and Patton was strange enough to be cool...)

  7. Ray Rousell...there were a few good ones like Sgt Rock, The Unknown Soldier, The Haunted Tank.
    And I can also Now chucle at No2...)

  8. Thanks Paul...also liked your take on this
