Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yes We Can Now Reach Forbodia!

With the recent arrival of 4 massive transports for the Brazos Imperial Airborne
the Imperial General Staff have moved up it's plans for the conquest and complete subjugation of the
the tiny but extremely well dressed Balkan nation of Forbodia, this will of course be made easier by
the Forbodian lack of any kind of an air force at all, furthermore their matchstick firring cannon are completely ineffective against anything but the random flight stand and then only when shooting at something else entirely....this should be a cake walk!

There are a few places in New Zealand that we need to look into as well, just waiting on a GPS upgrade....)

Happy 1st of April one and all..................

A note on these two C130s...very nice snap tight kits in 1/144th scale that are put out by
the Smithsonian Institution under the name of EZ-Build, they can be found on the net


  1. They have these for sale at Hobby Lobby.

  2. Yeah I figured they'd be in some US store or other I got these from an e-store for $7.00...I'm happy with them

  3. As we say here in Forbodia - 'come and have a go if you think you're hard enough...'
    Nice toys BTW. I just picked up a couple of 1/32-ish biplanes which could be from the same maker. Did the C-130 kits need assembly using a small screwdriver?

  4. The Herc is a gem Don. Even the peace loving Kiwis have these.

    I have toyed with buying a couple of these myself, nice price too.

    Well done.

  5. Tim these had no screws wings slotted,fuselage snapped into place.

  6. Paul I've always like the Herc myself, I've flown in a few...)

  7. I have found its a totally different experience jammed in the rear with the gear than up the front with the raybans Don.

  8. Paul

    Indeed it is been in stowage mostly myself lol

  9. Give it a month and I will be celebrating the "Best Fat Albert Flight Ever". 30 years ago, Port Stanley to Ascension Island :O)

    Kind regards, Chris
